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I'm still plugging away at the old kiss tapestry......I wonder how Maria's getting on?
Went to a great place called Compton Verney today it has an amazing art collection including a fantastic folk art section where I found this little doll.
Saw loads of lovely tapestry kneelers at Blanchland Abbey including this Christmas 1986 special.
My daughter Maria asked if I'd like to contribute to her works shoebox collection for 'Operation Christmas Child'. Each box is filled with items such as sweets, crayons, a small toy, and a toothbrush for a boy or a girl. I knitted these hats. Maria and her sister used to enjoy choosing things to fill a shoebox when they were at primary school, it's good to know that the scheme is still going strong.
I saw this great bit of DIY saddle protecting on the way to Sloane Square tube this morning.
It's been pretty poor on the blogging front, due to various reasons including: the Other Half's two shows, working on secret projects that I can't show you just yet, work, life..... I did make this little pouch though one morning for my specs when I got fed up with picking up and putting down my glasses every five mins (maybe it's time for bi-focals!)